Ulasan mengenai DHL EXPRESS PT - Batam

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1 Ulasan
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I got my 1st oversea online package delivered to me from DHL, the service are excellent & of course they not any charge since still within tax limit.
Then the 2nd time I got the package they charge Rp.50.000 on DHL receipt enclose some form from custom & I took the package then pay the money without checking the custom form coz I thought the good I ordered need to pay tax even though the price lower than the 1st package.

After that I check the receipt from DHL mentioned "Custom Clearence documentation fee" and then I check the enclosed form from custom there are FREE OF TAX and not any nominal mentioned there.

So I called DHL batam & talked with cuatomer service, after a long explanation finally he said will help check so he ask me to send an email with subject mentioned the problem but he did not give me any news at all so Now I very dissapointed with DHL service.

I Willing to pay if there clear information on regarding what I need to pay.

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